```c / @Author: Zheng Qihang * @Date: 2018-07-05 20:14:48 * @Last Modified by: Zheng Qihang * @Last Modified time: 2018-11-08 16:38:26 */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h>
typedef int ElementType; // data type #define Node ptrNode // Node defination #define Stack ptrNode // list defination typedef struct _Node // node defination { ElementType data; struct _Node next; } ptrNode; // Node is a pointer to _Node
int IsEmpty(Stack S) { return S->next == NULL; }
Stack CreateStack(void) { Stack S = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct _Node)); S->next = NULL; return S; }
ElementType Pop(Stack S) { int temp; Node tmepNode = S->next; if (tmepNode != NULL) { temp = tmepNode->data; S->next = tmepNode->next; free(tmepNode); return temp; } else { return -1; } }
void MakeEmpty(Stack S) { while (S->next != NULL) { Pop(S); } } void DisposeStack(Stack S) { MakeEmpty(S); free(S); }
void Push(ElementType X, Stack S) { Node tempNode = S->next; Node newNode = (Node)malloc(sizeof(struct _Node)); newNode->data = X; // printf("S->next %p",S->next); if (tempNode != NULL) { newNode->next = tempNode; // printf("%p = %p",newNode->next,tempNode); } else { newNode->next = NULL; } S->next = newNode; // printf("S->next %p",S->next); }
ElementType Top(Stack S) { if (S->next != NULL) { return S->next->data; } else { return -1; } }
void PrintStack(Stack S) { Node tep = S->next; while (tep != NULL) { printf("addr=0x%3lX data=%d nextaddr=0x%3lX", (unsigned long int)tep & 0xFFF, tep->data, (unsigned long int)tep->next & 0xFFF); tep = tep->next; } }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int tempint; Stack MyStack =
NULL; printf("
(a).make new Stack;
(b).push data;
(c).pop data;
(d).find Stack's top;
(e).empty the Stack;
(f).dispose the Stack;
(p).print the stack:
"); while (1) { switch (getchar()) { case 'a': printf("create a new
Stack"); MyStack = CreateStack(); if (MyStack != NULL) { printf("create
stack success!"); } break; case 'b': printf("enter and Push data in
Stack:"); scanf("%d", &tempint); Push(tempint, MyStack); break; case
'c': printf("pop data is:%d", Pop(MyStack)); break; case 'd':
printf("stack top is:%d", Top(MyStack)); break; case 'e':
MakeEmpty(MyStack); break; case 'f': DisposeStack(MyStack); break; case
'p': PrintStack(MyStack); break; case 'q': exit(0); break; default:
break; } } return 0; } ``