#include <limits.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h>
typedef int ElementType; typedef struct TreeNode { ElementType Data; struct TreeNode *Left; struct TreeNode *Right; } * BinTree_t;
#define ElementQueueType BinTree_t typedef struct QueueNode { ElementQueueType data; struct QueueNode *next; } * QNode_t;
typedef struct QueueHeader { QNode_t front; QNode_t rear; } * Queue_t;
Queue_t CreateQueue(void) { Queue_t Q = (Queue_t)malloc(sizeof(struct QueueHeader)); Q->front = NULL; Q->rear = NULL; return Q; }
void AddQ(Queue_t Q, ElementQueueType item) { if (!Q) { return; }
QNode_t temp = (QNode_t)malloc(sizeof(struct QueueNode));
if (!item) { temp->data = NULL; } else { temp->data = item; } temp->next = NULL; if (!Q->front && !Q->rear) { Q->front = temp; Q->rear = temp; } else { Q->rear->next = temp; Q->rear = temp; } }
int IsEmptyQ(Queue_t Q) { return !Q->front; }
ElementQueueType DeleteQ(Queue_t Q) { if (!Q) { return NULL; } if (IsEmptyQ(Q)) { return NULL; } QNode_t temp = Q->front; ElementQueueType tempdata; if (Q->front == Q->rear) { Q->front = NULL; Q->rear = NULL; } else { Q->front = Q->front->next; } tempdata = temp->data; free(temp); return tempdata; }
void DisposeQueue(Queue_t Q) { while (!IsEmptyQ(Q)) { DeleteQ(Q); } free(Q); }
void PrintQueue(Queue_t Q) {
if (IsEmptyQ(Q)) { return; } printf("打印队列数据元素:\n"); QNode_t temp = Q->front;
for (; temp; temp = temp->next) { printf("0x%3lX ", (unsigned long int)temp->data & 0xFFF); } printf("\n"); }
#define ElementStackType BinTree_t typedef struct StackNode // node defination { ElementStackType data; struct StackNode *next; } * Stack_t;
int IsEmpty(Stack_t S) { return !S->next; }
Stack_t CreateStack(void) { Stack_t S = (Stack_t)malloc(sizeof(struct StackNode)); S->next = NULL; return S; }
ElementStackType Pop(Stack_t S) { ElementStackType temp; Stack_t tmepNode = S->next; if (tmepNode != NULL) { temp = tmepNode->data; S->next = tmepNode->next; free(tmepNode); return temp; } else { return NULL; } }
void MakeEmpty(Stack_t S) { while (S->next != NULL) { Pop(S); } } void DisposeStack(Stack_t S) { MakeEmpty(S); free(S); }
void Push(Stack_t S, ElementStackType X) { Stack_t tempNode = S->next; Stack_t newNode = (Stack_t)malloc(sizeof(struct StackNode)); newNode->data = X; if (tempNode != NULL) { newNode->next = tempNode; } else { newNode->next = NULL; } S->next = newNode; }
ElementStackType Top(Stack_t S) { if (S->next != NULL) { return S->next->data; } else { return NULL; } }
void PrintStack(Stack_t S) { Stack_t tep = S->next; while (tep != NULL) { printf("addr=0x%3lX dataadd=0x%3lX nextaddr=0x%3lX\n", (unsigned long int)tep & 0xFFF, (unsigned long int)tep->data & 0xFFF, (unsigned long int)tep->next & 0xFFF); tep = tep->next; } }
BinTree_t CreateTreeNode(int dat) { BinTree_t new = (BinTree_t)malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode)); new->Data = dat; new->Left = NULL; new->Right = NULL; return new; }
void ConnectNode(BinTree_t root, BinTree_t left, BinTree_t right) {
if (!root) { printf("error in null\n"); return; } root->Left = left; root->Right = right; }
void LevelOrderTraversal(BinTree_t BT) { Queue_t myqueue = CreateQueue(); BinTree_t temp = NULL; AddQ(myqueue, BT); while (!IsEmptyQ(myqueue)) { temp = DeleteQ(myqueue); if (temp != NULL) { printf("%d ", temp->Data); AddQ(myqueue, temp->Left); AddQ(myqueue, temp->Right); } } DisposeQueue(myqueue); }
int FindTreeHeight(BinTree_t BT) { int rightlen, leftlen, maxlen; if (BT) { rightlen = FindTreeHeight(BT->Right); leftlen = FindTreeHeight(BT->Left); maxlen = leftlen > rightlen ? leftlen : rightlen; return maxlen + 1; } else { return 0; } }
void DrawTree(BinTree_t BT) { int height = FindTreeHeight(BT); int cnt = 0;
Queue_t myqueue = CreateQueue(); BinTree_t temp = NULL; int width = 0; AddQ(myqueue, BT);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { cnt = (int)pow(2, i); width = pow(2, height - i + 1); while (cnt--) { temp = DeleteQ(myqueue); if (temp != NULL) { printf("%*d%*c", width, temp->Data, width, ' '); AddQ(myqueue, temp->Left); AddQ(myqueue, temp->Right); } else { printf("%p ", temp); } } printf("\n");
if (i != height - 1) { int nextwidth = (int)pow(2, height - i); for (int J = 0; J < (int)pow(2, i); J++) { printf("%*c%*c", width, '+', width, ' '); } printf("\n"); for (int k = 0; k < (int)pow(2, i + 1); k++) { if ((k % 2) == 0) { printf("%*c", nextwidth, '-'); for (uint8_t z = 0; z < nextwidth; z++) { printf("-"); } } else { for (uint8_t z = 0; z < nextwidth; z++) { printf("-"); } printf("%*c", nextwidth, ' '); } } printf("\n"); } printf("\r"); } DisposeQueue(myqueue); }
BinTree_t FindElement(BinTree_t BST, ElementType Dat) {
BinTree_t temp = BST; if (BST == NULL) { return NULL; } while (temp) { if (Dat > temp->Data) { temp = temp->Right; } else if (Dat < temp->Data) { temp = temp->Left; } else { return temp; } } return NULL; }
BinTree_t FindMax(BinTree_t BST) {
if (BST->Right == NULL) { return BST; } return FindMax(BST->Right); }
BinTree_t FindMin(BinTree_t BST) { BinTree_t tmp = BST; while (tmp->Left) { tmp = tmp->Left; } return tmp; }
BinTree_t DeleteElementBST(BinTree_t BST, ElementType Dat) { BinTree_t tmpNode; if (BST == NULL) { return NULL; } else if (Dat < BST->Data) { BST->Left = DeleteElementBST(BST->Left, Dat); } else if (Dat > BST->Data) { BST->Right = DeleteElementBST(BST->Right, Dat); } else if (BST->Left && BST->Right) { tmpNode = FindMin(BST->Right); BST->Data = tmpNode->Data; BST->Right = DeleteElementBST(BST->Right, BST->Data); } else { tmpNode = BST;
if (BST->Left == NULL) { BST = BST->Right; } else if (BST->Right == NULL) { BST = BST->Left; } free(tmpNode); } return BST; }
void InsertNode(ElementType X, BinTree_t BST) { if (BST == NULL) { return; } BinTree_t newNode = (BinTree_t)malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode)); BinTree_t temp = BST; BinTree_t last = BST; newNode->Data = X; newNode->Left = newNode->Right = NULL; while (temp) { last = temp; if (X > temp->Data) { temp = temp->Right; } else if (X < temp->Data) { temp = temp->Left; } else if (X == temp->Data) { printf("已经存在相同元素"); return; } }
if (X > last->Data) { last->Right = newNode; } else { last->Left = newNode; } }
void UseageHelp(void) { printf("\n \ 搜索树的操作\n \ (1).创建新的搜索树;\n \ (2).输出树高度;\n \ (3).层序遍历;\n \ (4).绘制二叉树;\n \ (5).寻找某元素:\n \ (6).递归寻找最大值:\n \ (7).循环寻找最小值:\n \ (8).插入一个元素:\n \ (9).删除一个元素:\n \ (h).帮助;\n \ (q).quit;\n \ "); }
BinTree_t CreateBinTree(void) { printf("Create Binary Tree like this: \n\ 90 \n\ | \n\ ------------------------ \n\ | | \n\ 50 150 \n\ | | \n\ ------------- ------------- \n\ | | | | \n\ 20 75 95 175 \n\ | | | | \n\ ------- ------- ------- ------- \n\ | | | | | | | | \n\ 5 nil nil 80 92 111 nil nil \n\ "); BinTree_t A = CreateTreeNode(90); BinTree_t B = CreateTreeNode(50); BinTree_t C = CreateTreeNode(150); BinTree_t D = CreateTreeNode(20); BinTree_t E = CreateTreeNode(75); BinTree_t F = CreateTreeNode(95); BinTree_t G = CreateTreeNode(175); BinTree_t H = CreateTreeNode(5); BinTree_t I = CreateTreeNode(25); BinTree_t J = CreateTreeNode(66); BinTree_t K = CreateTreeNode(80); BinTree_t L = CreateTreeNode(92); BinTree_t M = CreateTreeNode(111); ConnectNode(A, B, C); ConnectNode(B, D, E); ConnectNode(D, H, NULL); ConnectNode(E, NULL, K); ConnectNode(C, F, G); ConnectNode(F, L, M); ConnectNode(G, NULL, NULL); return A; }
BinTree_t BinaryTree = NULL; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { BinTree_t tmp = NULL; int empdat = 0; UseageHelp(); while (1) { switch (getchar()) { case '1': BinaryTree = CreateBinTree(); printf("创建成功!\n"); break; case '2': printf("输出树高度:%d", FindTreeHeight(BinaryTree)); printf("\n"); break; case '3': printf("层序遍历:"); LevelOrderTraversal(BinaryTree); printf("\n"); break; case '4': printf("绘制二叉树:\n"); DrawTree(BinaryTree); printf("\n"); break; case '5': printf("寻找某元素:\n"); printf("请输入元素值:"); scanf("%d", &empdat); tmp = FindElement(BinaryTree, empdat); if (!tmp) { printf("not find the node"); } else { printf("find the node"); }
printf("\n"); break; case '6': printf("递归寻找最大值:\n"); tmp = FindMax(BinaryTree); printf("%d", tmp->Data); printf("\n"); break; case '7': printf("递归寻找小最值:\n"); tmp = FindMin(BinaryTree); printf("%d", tmp->Data); printf("\n"); break; case '8': printf("插入一个元素:\n"); printf("请输入需要插入的值:"); scanf("%d", &empdat); InsertNode(empdat, BinaryTree); printf("\n"); break; case '9': printf("删除一个元素:\n"); printf("请输入需要删除的值:"); scanf("%d", &empdat); DeleteElementBST(BinaryTree, empdat); printf("\n"); break;
case 'h': UseageHelp(); break; case 'q': exit(0); break; default: break; } } return 0; }