最近想搞半监督的东西,但是我发现一个人的精力着实不够,而且这个tensorflow也让我很难受,莫名其妙只要一用jitcore dump,不用jit训练又慢,显存又狂吃,再这样下去准备转mxnet了😤。然后今天把之前本来想做没做完的东西做做完,就是各种ioutensorflow实现,顺便为自己做一个总结。



import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

def center_to_corner(bbox: np.ndarray, to_all_scale=True, in_hw=None) -> np.ndarray:
"""convert box coordinate from center to corner

bbox : np.ndarray
bbox [c_x,c_y,w,h]
to_all_scale : bool, optional
weather to all image scale, by default True
in_hw : np.ndarray, optional
in hw, by default None

bbox [x1,y1,x2,y2]
if to_all_scale:
x1 = (bbox[:, 0:1] - bbox[:, 2:3] / 2) * in_hw[1]
y1 = (bbox[:, 1:2] - bbox[:, 3:4] / 2) * in_hw[0]
x2 = (bbox[:, 0:1] + bbox[:, 2:3] / 2) * in_hw[1]
y2 = (bbox[:, 1:2] + bbox[:, 3:4] / 2) * in_hw[0]
x1 = (bbox[:, 0:1] - bbox[:, 2:3] / 2)
y1 = (bbox[:, 1:2] - bbox[:, 3:4] / 2)
x2 = (bbox[:, 0:1] + bbox[:, 2:3] / 2)
y2 = (bbox[:, 1:2] + bbox[:, 3:4] / 2)

xyxy = np.hstack([x1, y1, x2, y2])
return xyxy

def tf_center_to_corner(bbox: tf.Tensor, to_all_scale=True, in_hw=None) -> tf.Tensor:
"""convert box coordinate from center to corner

bbox : tf.Tensor
bbox [c_x,c_y,w,h]
to_all_scale : bool, optional
weather to all image scale, by default True
in_hw : tf.Tensor, optional
in hw, by default None

bbox [x1,y1,x2,y2]
if to_all_scale:
x1 = (bbox[..., 0:1] - bbox[..., 2:3] / 2) * in_hw[1]
y1 = (bbox[..., 1:2] - bbox[..., 3:4] / 2) * in_hw[0]
x2 = (bbox[..., 0:1] + bbox[..., 2:3] / 2) * in_hw[1]
y2 = (bbox[..., 1:2] + bbox[..., 3:4] / 2) * in_hw[0]
x1 = (bbox[..., 0:1] - bbox[..., 2:3] / 2)
y1 = (bbox[..., 1:2] - bbox[..., 3:4] / 2)
x2 = (bbox[..., 0:1] + bbox[..., 2:3] / 2)
y2 = (bbox[..., 1:2] + bbox[..., 3:4] / 2)

xyxy = tf.concat([x1, y1, x2, y2], -1)
return xyxy

def corner_to_center(bbox: np.ndarray, from_all_scale=True, in_hw=None) -> np.ndarray:
"""convert box coordinate from corner to center

bbox : np.ndarray
bbox [x1,y1,x2,y2]
to_all_scale : bool, optional
weather to all image scale, by default True
in_hw : np.ndarray, optional
in hw, by default None

bbox [c_x,c_y,w,h]
if from_all_scale:
x = ((bbox[..., 2:3] + bbox[..., 0:1]) / 2) / in_hw[1]
y = ((bbox[..., 3:4] + bbox[..., 1:2]) / 2) / in_hw[0]
w = (bbox[..., 2:3] - bbox[..., 0:1]) / in_hw[1]
h = (bbox[..., 3:4] - bbox[..., 1:2]) / in_hw[0]
x = ((bbox[..., 2:3] + bbox[..., 0:1]) / 2)
y = ((bbox[..., 3:4] + bbox[..., 1:2]) / 2)
w = (bbox[..., 2:3] - bbox[..., 0:1])
h = (bbox[..., 3:4] - bbox[..., 1:2])

xywh = np.hstack([x, y, w, h])
return xywh

def tf_corner_to_center(bbox: tf.Tensor, from_all_scale=True, in_hw=None) -> tf.Tensor:
"""convert box coordinate from corner to center

bbox : tf.Tensor
bbox [x1,y1,x2,y2]
to_all_scale : bool, optional
weather to all image scale, by default True
in_hw : tf.Tensor, optional
in hw, by default None

bbox [c_x,c_y,w,h]
if from_all_scale:
x = ((bbox[..., 2:3] + bbox[..., 0:1]) / 2) / in_hw[1]
y = ((bbox[..., 3:4] + bbox[..., 1:2]) / 2) / in_hw[0]
w = (bbox[..., 2:3] - bbox[..., 0:1]) / in_hw[1]
h = (bbox[..., 3:4] - bbox[..., 1:2]) / in_hw[0]
x = ((bbox[..., 2:3] + bbox[..., 0:1]) / 2)
y = ((bbox[..., 3:4] + bbox[..., 1:2]) / 2)
w = (bbox[..., 2:3] - bbox[..., 0:1])
h = (bbox[..., 3:4] - bbox[..., 1:2])

xywh = np.concatenate([x, y, w, h], -1)
return xywh

def bbox_iou(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, offset: int = 0) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate Intersection-Over-Union(IOU) of two bounding boxes.

a : np.ndarray

(n,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

b : np.ndarray

(m,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

offset : int, optional
by default 0


iou (n,m)
tl = np.maximum(a[:, None, :2], b[:, :2])
br = np.minimum(a[:, None, 2:4], b[:, 2:4])

area_i = np.prod(br - tl + offset, axis=2) * (tl < br).all(axis=2)
area_a = np.prod(a[:, 2:4] - a[:, :2] + offset, axis=1)
area_b = np.prod(b[:, 2:4] - b[:, :2] + offset, axis=1)
return area_i / (area_a[:, None] + area_b - area_i)

def tf_bbox_iou(a: tf.Tensor, b: tf.Tensor, offset: int = 0) -> tf.Tensor:
"""Calculate Intersection-Over-Union(IOU) of two bounding boxes.

a : tf.Tensor

(n,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

b : tf.Tensor

(m,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

offset : int, optional
by default 0


iou (n,m)
a = a[..., None, :]
tl = tf.maximum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
br = tf.minimum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])

area_i = tf.reduce_prod(tf.maximum(br - tl, 0) + offset, axis=-1)
area_a = tf.reduce_prod(a[..., 2:4] - a[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
area_b = tf.reduce_prod(b[..., 2:4] - b[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
return area_i / (area_a + area_b - area_i)

def tf_bbox_giou(a: tf.Tensor, b: tf.Tensor, offset: int = 0) -> tf.Tensor:
"""Calculate GIOU of two bounding boxes.

a : tf.Tensor

(n,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

b : tf.Tensor

(m,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

offset : int, optional
by default 0


giou (n,m)
a = a[..., None, :]
tl = tf.maximum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
br = tf.minimum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])

area_i = tf.reduce_prod(tf.maximum(br - tl, 0) + offset, axis=-1)
area_a = tf.reduce_prod(a[..., 2:4] - a[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
area_b = tf.reduce_prod(b[..., 2:4] - b[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)

outer_tl = tf.minimum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
outer_br = tf.maximum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])
area_o = tf.reduce_prod(tf.maximum(outer_br - outer_tl, 0) + offset, axis=-1)
union = (area_a + area_b - area_i)
return (area_i / union) - ((area_o - union) / area_o)

def tf_bbox_diou(a: tf.Tensor, b: tf.Tensor, offset: int = 0) -> tf.Tensor:
"""Calculate DIoU of two bounding boxes.

a : tf.Tensor

(n,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

b : tf.Tensor

(m,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

offset : int, optional
by default 0


diou (n,m)
a = a[..., None, :]
tl = tf.maximum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
br = tf.minimum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])

area_i = tf.reduce_prod(tf.maximum(br - tl, 0) + offset, axis=-1)
area_a = tf.reduce_prod(a[..., 2:4] - a[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
area_b = tf.reduce_prod(b[..., 2:4] - b[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
iou = area_i / (area_a + area_b - area_i)

outer_tl = tf.minimum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
outer_br = tf.maximum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])
# two bbox center distance sum((b_cent-a_cent)^2)
inter_diag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square((b[..., :2] + b[..., 2:]) / 2
- (a[..., :2] + a[..., 2:]) / 2 + offset), -1)
# two bbox diagonal distance
outer_diag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(outer_tl - outer_br + offset), -1)
return tf.clip_by_value(iou - inter_diag / outer_diag, -1., 1.)

def tf_bbox_ciou(a: tf.Tensor, b: tf.Tensor, offset: int = 0) -> tf.Tensor:
"""Calculate CIoU of two bounding boxes.

a : tf.Tensor

(n,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

b : tf.Tensor

(m,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

offset : int, optional
by default 0


ciou (n,m)
a = a[..., None, :]
tl = tf.maximum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
br = tf.minimum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])

area_i = tf.reduce_prod(tf.maximum(br - tl, 0) + offset, axis=-1)
area_a = tf.reduce_prod(a[..., 2:4] - a[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
area_b = tf.reduce_prod(b[..., 2:4] - b[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
iou = area_i / (area_a + area_b - area_i)

outer_tl = tf.minimum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
outer_br = tf.maximum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])
# two bbox center distance sum((b_cent-a_cent)^2)
inter_diag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square((b[..., :2] + b[..., 2:]) / 2
- (a[..., :2] + a[..., 2:]) / 2 + offset), -1)
# two bbox diagonal distance
outer_diag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(outer_tl - outer_br + offset), -1)
# calc ciou alpha paramter

arctan = tf.stop_gradient(
(tf.math.atan(tf.math.divide_no_nan(b[..., 2] - b[..., 0],
b[..., 3] - b[..., 1]))
- tf.math.atan(tf.math.divide_no_nan(a[..., 2] - a[..., 0],
a[..., 3] - a[..., 1]))))

v = tf.stop_gradient(tf.math.square(2 / np.pi * arctan))
alpha = tf.stop_gradient(v / ((1 - iou) + v))
w_temp = tf.stop_gradient(2 * (a[..., 2] - a[..., 0]))

ar = (8 / tf.square(np.pi)) * arctan * ((a[..., 2] - a[..., 0] - w_temp) * (a[..., 3] - a[..., 1]))

return tf.clip_by_value(iou - (inter_diag / outer_diag + alpha * ar), -1., 1.)

def bbox_iof(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate Intersection-Over-Foreground(IOF) of two bounding boxes.

a : np.ndarray

(n,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

b : np.ndarray

(m,4) x1,y1,x2,y2

offset : int, optional
by default 0


iof (n,m)
lt = np.maximum(a[:, np.newaxis, :2], b[:, :2])
rb = np.minimum(a[:, np.newaxis, 2:], b[:, 2:])

area_i = np.prod(rb - lt, axis=2) * (lt < rb).all(axis=2)
area_a = np.prod(a[:, 2:] - a[:, :2], axis=1)
return area_i / np.maximum(area_a[:, np.newaxis], 1)

def nms_oneclass(bbox: np.ndarray, score: np.ndarray, thresh: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Pure Python NMS oneclass baseline.

bbox : np.ndarray

bbox, n*(x1,y1,x2,y2)

score : np.ndarray

confidence score (n,)

thresh : float

nms thresh

keep index
x1 = bbox[:, 0]
y1 = bbox[:, 1]
x2 = bbox[:, 2]
y2 = bbox[:, 3]

areas = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1)
order = score.argsort()[::-1]

keep = []
while order.size > 0:
i = order[0]
xx1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[order[1:]])
yy1 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[order[1:]])
xx2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[order[1:]])
yy2 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[order[1:]])

w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1 + 1)
h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1 + 1)
inter = w * h
ovr = inter / (areas[i] + areas[order[1:]] - inter)

inds = np.where(ovr <= thresh)[0]
order = order[inds + 1]

return keep


def test_bbox():
boxes1 = tf.constant([[4.0, 3.0, 7.0, 5.0], [5.0, 6.0, 10.0, 7.0]]) / 20.
boxes2 = tf.constant([[3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0], [14.0, 14.0, 15.0, 15.0]]) / 20.
""" 按元素求iou """
print(tf_bbox_iou(boxes1, boxes2[..., None, :]).numpy())
# [[0.12500001] [0. ]]
print(tf_bbox_diou(boxes1, boxes2[..., None, :]).numpy())
# [[ 0.00304878] [-0.6243095 ]]
print(tf_bbox_ciou(boxes1, boxes2[..., None, :]).numpy())
# [[ 0.00283995] [-0.6250417 ]]
print(tf_bbox_giou(boxes1, boxes2[..., None, :]).numpy())
# [[-0.07499996] [-0.93333334]]

""" 交叉求iou """
print(tf_bbox_iou(boxes1, boxes2).numpy())
# [[0.12500001 0. ] [0.0625 0. ]]
print(tf_bbox_diou(boxes1, boxes2).numpy())
# [[ 0.00304878 -0.72169816] [-0.07980768 -0.6243095 ]]
print(tf_bbox_ciou(boxes1, boxes2).numpy())
# [[ 0.00283995 -0.7217355 ] [-0.08119209 -0.6250417 ]]
print(tf_bbox_giou(boxes1, boxes2).numpy())
# [[-0.07499996 -0.9469697 ] [-0.3660715 -0.93333334]]



area_i = tf.reduce_prod(tf.maximum(br - tl, 0) + offset, axis=-1)




  1. 两个bbox不相交的时候iou值为0,这样没法优化。

  2. iou不知道bbox的相交形式,比如下图,三个iou值都相同。


公式化: \[ \begin{aligned} giou&=iou-\frac{|\frac{C}{A\cup B}|}{|C|},giou\in[-1,1]\\ Loss_{giou}&= 1-giou \end{aligned} \]

当两个矩形完全重叠时,\(giou==iou==1\),当两个矩形重叠区域越少\(giou\rightarrow -1\),这个性质就相当好。




\[ \begin{aligned} center\ diag&= \sum((A_{cent} -B_{cent})^2)\\ outer\ diag&= \sum((C_{tl} -C_{rb})^2)\\ diou&=iou-\frac{center\ diag}{outer\ diag},diou\in[-1,1] \end{aligned} \]



diou中还有矩形的长宽没有考虑到,在传统mse中,矩形回归有一个关于长宽的权重:\(2-w^{g t}\times h^{g t}\),为了更好的利用矩形的长宽,同时考虑预测框与标签框的长宽,提出了ciou (这里他提出的公式中\(\rho\)代表欧式距离,下面我就按我的理解来写公式了):

\[ \begin{aligned} v&=[\frac{2}{\pi}(\arctan\frac{w^{g t}}{h^{g t}}-\arctan\frac{w}{h})]^2\\ \alpha&=\frac{v}{1-iou+v}\\ ciou&=iou-\frac{\rho^2(b,b_{gt})}{c^2} - \alpha v\\ &=iou- \frac{center\ diag}{outer\ diag} - \alpha v \end{aligned} \]

然后作者还考虑的求导数时的情况: \[ \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial v}{\partial w}&=\frac{8}{\pi^{2}}\left(\arctan \frac{w^{g t}}{h^{g t}}-\arctan \frac{w}{h}\right) \times \frac{h}{w^{2}+h^{2}} \\ \frac{\partial v}{\partial h}&=-\frac{8}{\pi^{2}}\left(\arctan \frac{w^{g t}}{h^{g t}}-\arctan \frac{w}{h}\right) \times \frac{w}{w^{2}+h^{2}} \end{aligned} \]



\[ \begin{aligned} \text{atan} &= \arctan\frac{w^{g t}}{h^{g t}}-\arctan\frac{w}{h}\\ v&=(\frac{2}{\pi}\ \text{atan})^2\\ \alpha&=\frac{v}{1-iou+v}\\ w_{temp}&=2w\\ ar&= \frac{8}{\pi^2}\ \text{atan}\ (w-w_{temp})\ h\\ ciou &= iou- \frac{center\ diag}{outer\ diag} - \alpha\ ar \end{aligned} \]


def test_grad():
offset = 0.
a = tf.Variable([[4.0, 3.0, 7.0, 5.0], [5.0, 6.0, 10.0, 7.0]])
b = tf.Variable([[3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0], [14.0, 14.0, 15.0, 15.0]])
with tf.GradientTape(True) as tape:
a = a[..., None, :]
b = b[..., None, :]
tl = tf.maximum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
br = tf.minimum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])

area_i = tf.reduce_prod(tf.maximum(br - tl, 0) + offset, axis=-1)
area_a = tf.reduce_prod(a[..., 2:4] - a[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
area_b = tf.reduce_prod(b[..., 2:4] - b[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
iou = area_i / (area_a + area_b - area_i)

outer_tl = tf.minimum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
outer_br = tf.maximum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])
# two bbox center distance sum((b_cent-a_cent)^2)
inter_diag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square((b[..., :2] + b[..., 2:]) / 2
- (a[..., :2] + a[..., 2:]) / 2 + offset), -1)
# two bbox diagonal distance
outer_diag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(outer_tl - outer_br + offset), -1)
# calc ciou alpha paramter

arctan = (tf.math.atan(tf.math.divide_no_nan(b[..., 2] - b[..., 0],
b[..., 3] - b[..., 1]))
- tf.math.atan(tf.math.divide_no_nan(a[..., 2] - a[..., 0],
a[..., 3] - a[..., 1])))

v = tf.math.square(2 / np.pi) * tf.square(arctan)
alpha = v / ((1 - iou) + v)
w_temp = 2 * (a[..., 2] - a[..., 0])

ar = (8 / tf.square(np.pi)) * arctan * ((a[..., 2] - a[..., 0] - w_temp) * (a[..., 3] - a[..., 1]))

ciou = iou - (inter_diag / outer_diag) - (alpha * ar)

tape.gradient(v, [a, b])
""" [[[-0.04231081, 0.06346621, 0.04231081, -0.06346621]],
[[-0.01833142, 0.09165711, 0.01833142, -0.09165711]]]

[[[ 0.04400324, -0.03300243, -0.04400324, 0.03300243]],
[[ 0.23830847, -0.23830847, -0.23830847, 0.23830847]]]"""
tape.gradient(ciou, [a, b])
[[[ 0.06351729, -0.08257562, -0.15244228, 0.27827212]],
[[ 0.08103281, 0.01117781, -0.07266921, 0.01513398]]],

[[[-0.0851735 , -0.06970734, 0.17409849, -0.12598914]],
[[-0.7246207 , 0.6417478 , 0.7162571 , -0.6680595 ]]]

offset = 0.
a = tf.Variable([[4.0, 3.0, 7.0, 5.0], [5.0, 6.0, 10.0, 7.0]])
b = tf.Variable([[3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0], [14.0, 14.0, 15.0, 15.0]])
with tf.GradientTape(True) as tape:
a = a[..., None, :]
b = b[..., None, :]
tl = tf.maximum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
br = tf.minimum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])

area_i = tf.reduce_prod(tf.maximum(br - tl, 0) + offset, axis=-1)
area_a = tf.reduce_prod(a[..., 2:4] - a[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
area_b = tf.reduce_prod(b[..., 2:4] - b[..., :2] + offset, axis=-1)
iou = area_i / (area_a + area_b - area_i)

outer_tl = tf.minimum(a[..., :2], b[..., :2])
outer_br = tf.maximum(a[..., 2:4], b[..., 2:4])
# two bbox center distance sum((b_cent-a_cent)^2)
inter_diag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square((b[..., :2] + b[..., 2:]) / 2
- (a[..., :2] + a[..., 2:]) / 2 + offset), -1)
# two bbox diagonal distance
outer_diag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(outer_tl - outer_br + offset), -1)
# calc ciou alpha paramter

arctan = tf.stop_gradient(
(tf.math.atan(tf.math.divide_no_nan(b[..., 2] - b[..., 0],
b[..., 3] - b[..., 1]))
- tf.math.atan(tf.math.divide_no_nan(a[..., 2] - a[..., 0],
a[..., 3] - a[..., 1]))))

v = tf.stop_gradient(tf.math.square(2 / np.pi) * tf.square(arctan))
alpha = tf.stop_gradient(v / ((1 - iou) + v))
w_temp = tf.stop_gradient(2 * (a[..., 2] - a[..., 0]))
ar = (8 / tf.square(np.pi)) * arctan * ((a[..., 2] - a[..., 0] - w_temp) * (a[..., 3] - a[..., 1]))

ciou = iou - (inter_diag / outer_diag) - (alpha * ar)

tape.gradient(ar, [a, b])
[[[ 0.5500405 , -0.8250607 , -0.5500405 , 0.8250607 ]],
[[ 0.47661695, -2.3830848 , -0.47661695, 2.3830848 ]]],

tape.gradient(v, [a, b])
""" [None, None] """
tape.gradient(ciou, [a, b])

[[[-0.10692195, 0.08424009, 0.01162432, 0.12420168]],
[[-0.08888854, 0.27500343, 0.09725215, -0.24869165]]]

[[[ 0.03184488, -0.16596799, 0.06345274, -0.04247379]],
[[-0.03867403, -0.0441989 , 0.03031043, 0.01788712]]]

