CT Augment是论文ReMixmatch中提出的一种不需要通过控制方法不需要使用强化学习即可调整数据增强测量的一种方法。今天仔细学习一下。

  1. 初始化选择概率矩阵


  1. 均匀随机选取数据增强方式以及数据增强分级参数

    def _sample_ops_uniformly(self) -> [tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:
    """Uniformly samples sequence of augmentation ops."""
    op_indices = tf.random.uniform(
    shape=[self.num_layers], maxval=len(AUG_OPS), dtype=tf.int32)
    op_args = tf.random.uniform(shape=[self.num_layers], dtype=tf.float32)
    return op_indices, op_args


  2. 根据所选取的参数实施增强得到probe_data

  3. 通过模型对probe_data进行分类,得到probe_probs

  4. 使用label得到对应样本的正确分类probe_probs称为proximity

  5. 根据公式更新rate矩阵

    此处的op_idx, level_idx是之前均匀随机选取的增强操作、分级参数。decay为衰减率默认0.999

    alpha = 1 - decay
    rate[op_idx, level_idx] += (proximity - rate[op_idx, level_idx]) * alpha


  6. rate转换为选择概率probs

    probs = tf.maximum(self.rates, self.epsilon)
    probs = probs / tf.reduce_max(probs, axis=1, keepdims=True) # 将概率锐化,类似softmax
    probs = tf.where(probs < self.confidence_threshold, tf.zeros_like(probs),
    probs) # 如果概率小于阈值,那么设置为0
    probs = probs + self.epsilon # 防止概率为0
    probs = probs / tf.reduce_sum(probs, axis=1, keepdims=True) # 再次锐化
  7. probs更新到log_prob

  8. 对于训练的样本则根据log_prob进行数据增强参数的选取。

    def _sample_ops(self, local_log_prob):
    """Samples sequence of augmentation ops using current probabilities."""
    # choose operations
    op_indices = tf.random.uniform(
    shape=[self.num_layers], maxval=len(AUG_OPS), dtype=tf.int32)
    # sample arguments for each selected operation
    selected_ops_log_probs = tf.gather(local_log_prob, op_indices, axis=0)
    op_args = tf.random.categorical(selected_ops_log_probs, num_samples=1)
    op_args = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(op_args, axis=1), tf.float32)
    op_args = (op_args + tf.random.uniform([self.num_layers])) / self.num_levels
    return op_indices, op_args
  9. 重复以上过程。




[0.11852807, 0.13082333, 0.00013127, 0.12403152, 0.13140538, 0.00013127, 0.1205155 , 0.12174512, 0.12513067, 0.12755796],
[0.20564014, 0.00020543, 0.19176407, 0.00020543, 0.2006021 , 0.00020543, 0.20226233, 0.00020543, 0.19870412, 0.00020543],
[0.11055039, 0.11402953, 0.11110956, 0.1050452 , 0.11322882, 0.11464192, 0.11097319, 0.10542616, 0.11488046, 0.00011477],
[0.51186407, 0.48404494, 0.00051135, 0.00051135, 0.00051135, 0.00051135, 0.00051135, 0.00051135, 0.00051135, 0.00051135],
[0.14486092, 0.1384983 , 0.14066745, 0.13853313, 0.15168588, 0.1444478 , 0.14085191, 0.00015153, 0.00015153, 0.00015153],
[0.34809318, 0.00034775, 0.00034775, 0.00034775, 0.3339483 , 0.00034775, 0.00034775, 0.00034775, 0.31552422, 0.00034775],
[0.11353768, 0.11433525, 0.00011519, 0.11392737, 0.11094389, 0.10420952, 0.10411835, 0.11530466, 0.11302778, 0.11048029],
[0.0009901 , 0.0009901 , 0.0009901 , 0.0009901 , 0.0009901 , 0.0009901 , 0.0009901 , 0.0009901 , 0.99108905, 0.0009901 ],
[0.14962535, 0.15079339, 0.13698637, 0.14928676, 0.13616142, 0.13792172, 0.00015064, 0.00015064, 0.00015064, 0.13877314]
