
1. Language

Language应该就是代表的是enode, 由一个op以及若干children组成. 他的构建机制每个dsl中自己实现from_op函数.

pub struct Symbol(u32);

pub struct Id(u32);

pub struct SymbolLang {
/// The operator for an enode
pub op: Symbol,
/// The enode's children `Id`s
pub children: Vec<Id>,

impl FromOp for SymbolLang {
type Error = Infallible;

fn from_op(op: &str, children: Vec<Id>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
Ok(Self {
op: op.into(),
此时SymbolLang中op对应的类型是symbol (u32),他的内部维护了一个string hashset,然后调用op.into()从hashset中取得对应的index作为symbol. 这里的children的类型是id (u32), 本意是表示eclass的id, 但如果没有加入egraph之前实际上是共用symobl的值.

2. RecExpr

RecExpr表示是一组由用户定义的language组成的递归的expression, 比如我构建输入a + b, 那么此时RecExpr的nodes由 [+, a, b],[a],[b]三个language节点组成. 即保存了输入表达式下的所有 language node.

pub struct RecExpr<L> {
nodes: Vec<L>,

他是通过递归的parser构建的,每次解析一个 language node然后放入到RecExpr中去.

impl<L: FromOp> FromStr for RecExpr<L> {
type Err = RecExprParseError<L::Error>;

fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
use RecExprParseError::*;

fn parse_sexp_into<L: FromOp>(
sexp: &Sexp,
expr: &mut RecExpr<L>,
) -> Result<Id, RecExprParseError<L::Error>> {

let mut expr = RecExpr::default();
let sexp = symbolic_expressions::parser::parse_str(s.trim()).map_err(BadSexp)?;
parse_sexp_into(&sexp, &mut expr)?;

3. EClass


pub struct EClass<L, D> {
/// 当前的eclass id
pub id: Id,
/// 所有等价的enode.
pub nodes: Vec<L>,
/// The analysis data associated with this eclass.
pub data: D,
/// eclass的反向连接 (也就是哪些enode使用了当前的eclass, 是为了在repair的时候进行递归).
pub(crate) parents: Vec<(L, Id)>,

4. EGraph

pub struct EGraph<L: Language, N: Analysis<L>> {
/// The `Analysis` given when creating this `EGraph`.
pub analysis: N,
/// The `Explain` used to explain equivalences in this `EGraph`.
pub(crate) explain: Option<Explain<L>>,
unionfind: UnionFind,
/// Stores each enode's `Id`, not the `Id` of the eclass.
/// Enodes in the memo are canonicalized at each rebuild, but after rebuilding new
/// unions can cause them to become out of date.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-1", serde(with = "vectorize"))]
memo: HashMap<L, Id>, // memo 表示的就是hashcon, 即enode -> eclass id
// pending 表示的是后续需要repair的enode节点和对应原始的eclass id(没有find过).
pending: Vec<(L, Id)>,
analysis_pending: IndexSet<(L, Id)>,
feature = "serde-1",
serialize = "N::Data: Serialize",
deserialize = "N::Data: for<'a> Deserialize<'a>",
// 保存了eclass id 对应 eclass的map, 虽然eclass中已经保存了id, 但是在egraph中加一个字典后续更加方便.
classes: HashMap<Id, EClass<L, N::Data>>,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-1", serde(skip))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-1", serde(default = "default_classes_by_op"))]
pub(crate) classes_by_op: HashMap<std::mem::Discriminant<L>, HashSet<Id>>,
/// 表示当前的egraph是否需要repair, 修复后clean=true.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-1", serde(skip))]
pub clean: bool,

5. Rewrite

pub struct Rewrite<L, N> {
/// The name of the rewrite.
pub name: Symbol,
/// The searcher (left-hand side) of the rewrite.
pub searcher: Arc<dyn Searcher<L, N> + Sync + Send>,
/// The applier (right-hand side) of the rewrite.
pub applier: Arc<dyn Applier<L, N> + Sync + Send>,

5.1 rebuild

egraph 首先添加进入后都是没有clean的,所以需要rebuild一次

5.1.2 收集class_by_op用于类型匹配.

egg的添加是,遍历这个eclass中所有的enode,然后enode把他所属的eclass id存入discriminant的key中.

let mut add = |n: &L| {
let key = std::mem::discriminant(n);
log::debug!("Add : {:?} class id : {:?} into key : {:?} ", n, class.id, key);

let mut nodes = class.nodes.iter();
if let Some(mut prev) = nodes.next() {
for n in nodes { // 如果这个eclass中有多个enode, 检查后续的节点是否与之前的节点相同,不相同就继续添加id.
if !prev.matches(n) {
prev = n;

因为rust的enum是可以提供完全不同结构的类型, 因此discriminant就是映射他的结构类型到int key, 他的好处就是你可以添加很多很多不同类型的ir,这样基于类型的enode匹配就很简单的从字典中获取一个入口eclass开始匹配即可. 虽然如下所示,App可能存在很多个enode,但是至少能从类型上消除很大一部分的候选了.

[DEBUG egg::egraph] Add : App([93, 94]) class id : 54 into key : Discriminant(5) 
[DEBUG egg::egraph] Add : Let([45, 49, 53]) class id : 54 into key : Discriminant(7)
[DEBUG egg::egraph] Add : Add([5, 47]) class id : 48 into key : Discriminant(3)
[DEBUG egg::egraph] Add : Lambda([26, 41]) class id : 42 into key : Discriminant(6)
[DEBUG egg::egraph] Add : App([35, 33]) class id : 36 into key : Discriminant(5)

5.1 Rewrite Marco


pub struct Rewrite<L, N> {
/// The name of the rewrite.
pub name: Symbol,
/// 可以是从expr构建/ 也可以是自定义的匹配的方式
pub searcher: Arc<dyn Searcher<L, N> + Sync + Send>,
/// 获得对应的结果, 可以是expr也可以自定义构建
pub applier: Arc<dyn Applier<L, N> + Sync + Send>,

5.2 Pattern Match

这里的匹配是调用rewriter的search进行搜索. 首先这里的searcher是从字符串构造, 首先通过字符串解析为PatternAst

pub type PatternAst<L> = RecExpr<ENodeOrVar<L>>;

fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
impl<L: Language> Pattern<L> {
/// Creates a new pattern from the given pattern ast.
pub fn new(ast: PatternAst<L>) -> Self {
let ast = ast.compact();
let program = machine::Program::compile_from_pat(&ast);
Pattern { ast, program }

/// Returns a list of the [`Var`]s in this pattern.
pub fn vars(&self) -> Vec<Var> {
let mut vars = vec![];
for n in self.ast.as_ref() {
if let ENodeOrVar::Var(v) = n {
if !vars.contains(v) {
这里要注意到有machine的机制, egg是写了一个类似于虚拟机的东西, 将pattern解析为匹配的指令码, 然后通过虚拟机执行指令从而完成匹配的功能.

struct Machine {
reg: Vec<Id>,
// a buffer to re-use for lookups
lookup: Vec<Id>,

pub struct Program<L> {
instructions: Vec<Instruction<L>>,
subst: Subst,

pub(crate) fn compile_from_pat(pattern: &PatternAst<L>) -> Self {
let program = Compiler::new(pattern).compile();
log::debug!("Compiled {:?} to {:?}", pattern.as_ref(), program);

pattern的search是将自身的pattern ast转换为Enode,然后使用discriminant获取这个enode的op的类型,再从egraph中寻找所有的elass进行下一步匹配.


pub fn search(&self, egraph: &EGraph<L, N>) -> Vec<SearchMatches<L>> {

fn search(&self, egraph: &EGraph<L, A>) -> Vec<SearchMatches<L>> {
match self.ast.as_ref().last().unwrap() {
ENodeOrVar::ENode(e) => { // 首先搜索的节点是一个enode
let key = std::mem::discriminant(e); // 获取当前enode的key
match egraph.classes_by_op.get(&key) {
None => vec![],
Some(ids) => ids
.filter_map(|&id| self.search_eclass(egraph, id))
ENodeOrVar::Var(_) => egraph
.filter_map(|e| self.search_eclass(egraph, e.id))