import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_addons as tfa
def power_to_db(magnitude, ref=1.0, amin=1e-10, top_db=80.0): ref_value = tf.abs(ref) log_spec = 10.0 * (tf.math.log(tf.maximum(amin, magnitude)) / tf.math.log(10.)) log_spec -= 10.0 * (tf.math.log(tf.maximum(amin, ref_value)) / tf.math.log(10.)) log_spec = tf.maximum(log_spec, tf.reduce_max(log_spec) - top_db) return log_spec
def freq_mask(mel: tf.Tensor, factor: float = 0.1, times: int = 1) -> tf.Tensor: """ mel spectogram freq mask (row mask) Args: mel (tf.Tensor): [freq, time] float32 factor (tf.Tensor): mask factor (0. ~ 1.) times (int): int, default = 1 Returns: tf.Tensor: [freq, time] float32 """ freq_max, time_max = mel.shape
def body(idx, mel): max_w = tf.cast(factor * tf.cast(freq_max, tf.float32) / 2, tf.int32) coord = tf.random.uniform([], 0, freq_max, tf.int32) mask_w = tf.random.uniform([], 0, tf.maximum(max_w, 1), tf.int32) cut = tf.stack([coord - mask_w, coord + mask_w]) cut = tf.clip_by_value(cut, 0, freq_max) mel = tf.concat( [mel[:cut[0]], tf.zeros_like(mel[cut[0]:cut[1]]), mel[cut[1]:]], 0) return idx + 1, mel
cond = lambda idx, mel: (idx < times) init_idx = tf.constant(0) _, aug_mel = tf.while_loop( cond, body, [init_idx, mel], shape_invariants=[init_idx.shape, tf.TensorShape((None, time_max))]) return aug_mel
def time_mask(mel: tf.Tensor, factor: float = 0.1, times: int = 1) -> tf.Tensor: """ mel spectogram time mask (cloum mask) Args: mel (tf.Tensor): [freq, time] float32 factor (tf.Tensor): mask factor (0. ~ 1.) times (int): int, default = 1 Returns: tf.Tensor: [freq, time] float32 """ freq_max, time_max = mel.shape
def body(idx, mel): max_w = tf.cast(factor * tf.cast(time_max, tf.float32) / 2, tf.int32) coord = tf.random.uniform([], 0, time_max, tf.int32) mask_w = tf.random.uniform([], 0, tf.maximum(max_w, 1), tf.int32) cut = tf.stack([coord - mask_w, coord + mask_w]) cut = tf.clip_by_value(cut, 0, time_max) mel = tf.concat( [mel[:, :cut[0]], tf.zeros_like(mel[:, cut[0]:cut[1]]), mel[:, cut[1]:]], 1) return idx + 1, mel
cond = lambda idx, mel: (idx < times) init_idx = tf.constant(0) _, aug_mel = tf.while_loop( cond, body, [init_idx, mel], shape_invariants=[init_idx.shape, tf.TensorShape((freq_max, None))]) return aug_mel
def freq_rescale(mel: tf.Tensor, factor: float = 0.1) -> tf.Tensor: """rescale mel freq axis Args: mel (tf.Tensor): [freq, time] float32 factor (float, optional): rescle factor. Defaults to 0.1. Returns: tf.Tensor: [freq, time] float32 """ freq_max, time_max = mel.shape choosen_factor = tf.random.uniform([], 1 - factor, 1 + factor)
new_freq_size = tf.cast( tf.cast(freq_max, tf.float32) * choosen_factor, tf.int32)
mel_aug = tf.squeeze( tf.image.resize(tf.expand_dims(mel, -1), [new_freq_size, time_max]), -1)
def fn(): pad_offset = tf.random.uniform([], 0, freq_max - new_freq_size, tf.int32) return tf.pad(mel_aug, [[pad_offset, freq_max - new_freq_size - pad_offset], [0, 0]])
mel_aug = tf.cond( choosen_factor < 1., lambda: fn(), lambda: mel_aug[0:freq_max,]) return mel_aug
def time_rescale(mel: tf.Tensor, factor: tf.Tensor = 0.1) -> tf.Tensor: """rescale mel time axis Args: mel (tf.Tensor): [freq, time] float32 factor (tf.Tensor, optional): rescle factor. Defaults to 0.1. Returns: tf.Tensor: [freq, time] float32 """ freq_max, time_max = mel.shape choosen_factor = tf.random.uniform([], 1 - factor, 1 + factor)
new_time_size = tf.cast( tf.cast(time_max, tf.float32) * choosen_factor, tf.int32)
mel_aug = tf.squeeze( tf.image.resize(tf.expand_dims(mel, -1), [freq_max, new_time_size]), -1)
def fn(): pad_offset = tf.random.uniform([], 0, time_max - new_time_size, tf.int32) return tf.pad(mel_aug, [[0, 0], [pad_offset, time_max - new_time_size - pad_offset]])
mel_aug = tf.cond( choosen_factor < 1., lambda: fn(), lambda: mel_aug[:, 0:time_max]) return mel_aug
def mel_dropout(mel: tf.Tensor, drop_prob: int = 0.05) -> tf.Tensor: """ mel drop out Args: mel (tf.Tensor): [freq, time] float32, float32 drop_prob (int, optional): keep prob. Defaults to 0.05. Returns: tf.Tensor: [freq, time] float32, float32 """ return tf.nn.dropout(mel, rate=1 - drop_prob)
def time_warping(mel: tf.Tensor, factor: float = 0.1, npoints: int = 1) -> tf.Tensor: """ mel time warp use by `image_sparse_warp` choice source point from `[time//4, time - time//4]` choice warped time width from `[- factor/2 * time, factor/2 * time]` Args: mel (tf.Tensor): [freq, time] float32 factor (float, optional): NOTE factor should be [0., 1.]. Defaults to 0.1. npoints (int, optional): disort point num NOTE don't set npoints > 5, it will be terrible. Defaults to 1. Returns: tf.Tensor: [freq, time] float32 """
freq_max, time_max = mel.shape
freq_max = tf.cast(freq_max, tf.float32) time_max = tf.cast(time_max, tf.float32)
src_pt_y = tf.random.shuffle(tf.range(freq_max - 1) + 1)[:npoints] tau_4 = tf.math.floordiv(time_max, 4) src_pt_x = tf.random.shuffle(tf.range(tau_4, time_max - tau_4))[:npoints] src_pt = tf.stack([src_pt_y, src_pt_x], -1)
disort_width = tf.random.uniform([npoints], -time_max * factor / 2, time_max * factor / 2) dest_pt_y = src_pt_y dest_pt_x = src_pt_x + disort_width dest_pt = tf.stack([dest_pt_y, dest_pt_x], -1) mel_aug, _ = tfa.image.sparse_image_warp( mel[None, ..., None], src_pt[None, ...], dest_pt[None, ...], num_boundary_points=1) return mel_aug[0, ..., 0]
def freq_warping(mel: tf.Tensor, factor: float = 0.1, npoints: int = 1) -> tf.Tensor: """ mel freq warp use by `image_sparse_warp` choice source point from `[freq//4, freq - freq//4]` choice warped time width from `[- factor/2 * freq, factor/2 * freq]` Args: mel (tf.Tensor): [freq, time] float32 factor (float, optional): NOTE factor should be [0., 1.]. Defaults to 0.1. npoints (int, optional): disort point num NOTE don't set npoints > 5, it will be terrible. Defaults to 1. Returns: tf.Tensor: [freq, time] float32 """
freq_max, time_max = mel.shape freq_max = tf.cast(freq_max, tf.float32) freq_4 = tf.math.floordiv(freq_max, 4) src_pt_x = tf.random.shuffle( tf.range(tf.cast(time_max, tf.float32), dtype=tf.float32))[:npoints] src_pt_y = tf.random.shuffle(tf.range(freq_4, freq_max - freq_4))[:npoints] src_pt = tf.stack([src_pt_y, src_pt_x], -1)
disort_width = tf.random.uniform([npoints], -freq_max * factor / 2, freq_max * factor / 2) dest_pt_y = src_pt_y + disort_width dest_pt_x = src_pt_x dest_pt = tf.stack([dest_pt_y, dest_pt_x], -1) mel_aug, _ = tfa.image.sparse_image_warp( mel[None, ..., None], src_pt[None, ...], dest_pt[None, ...], num_boundary_points=1) return mel_aug[0, ..., 0]
def mel_loudness(mel: tf.Tensor, factor: float = 0.1) -> tf.Tensor: """ mel spectrogram loudness control Args: mel (tf.Tensor): [freq, time] float32 factor (float, optional): [0. ~ 1.]. Defaults to 0.1. Returns: tf.Tensor: [freq, time] float32 """ min_v = tf.reduce_min(mel) return (mel-min_v) * tf.abs(1 - tf.random.uniform([], 0., factor)) + min_v